Assistant Directing and Wedding Planning
Hey y'all! Did you miss me? No? Okay, cool. Anyways, I just wanted to let y'all know that I am still alive (barely) and that I had the best, the craziest, and the most stressful three weeks. First, we shot three other short films, one in Oxford and London and two around Beaconsfield. I had 20h workdays and sleepless nights with problems that needed solving in the last minute. I slept at our producer's mom's house (hope I did those apostrophes right) and worked from a kitchen floor. I ran after an SA that decided to grab some lunch without telling me and I tried keeping the mother of our child actress happy. I stood outside in the rain for two days and I stood in for the actors during lighting set ups. I learned about 100 new names during the last four weeks and forgot about 50 of them already. (sorry) And then, to top it all off, I flew home for the weekend to go to my best friend's wedding. I visited my family, did some business with my bank, did some ...