27 Things I've Learned in 27 Years
I turned 27 years old yesterday, so I thought I'd write up some (cliché and random) things I've learned over the years.
- Nobody has their life fully figured out, some people are just really good at pretending.
- Don't compare yourself (too much) to other people. What works for them might not work for you. It's okay to be different.
- You'll have friends who are still living with their parents, and you'll have friends that just bought a house themselves.
- You're now at the age when everybody seems to get married. Invest in a nice cocktail dress, or two.
- Everyone has this one friend that has been backpacking through Australia.
- Drink water while drinking white wine (or any alcohol).
- Grilled cheese is the best meal to eat when you come home after having a couple of drinks.
- Spend your money on travelling instead of technology.
- Dreams change. Don't cling on to things if they don't make you happy anymore.
- Don't be emotionally attached to your hair. It'll grow back. And you might look pretty badass in that super short buzzcut you saw on that celebrity.
- Try not to overthink everything. And I say try, cause I'm still pretty good at it myself.
- There is a song for every situation in life.
- Say yes to things more often. Be spontaneous, at least once in a while.
- Go on a roadtrip. By yourself or with your friends. Both are pretty awesome experiences.
- Make mistakes and learn from them. Cliché, but true.
- Parents are people, too.
- If you really want something, work hard to get it. Don't let people tell you you can't do it.
- Chance and luck are a lot more important than you might think.
- Adopt a cat or dog from a shelter. Don't buy them from a breeder.
- If you have a really German sounding name, think of a nickname to use every time you visit an English speaking country.
- Embrace that babyface of yours. People still ask you for an ID? That just means that in 20 years you'll still look like 25.
- If you're tiny, arrive at concerts at least an hour early so you can stand in the front row. Although most people are nice enough to let you go in front when you're under a certain height.
- Compared to some of the jobs you had, being in school wasn't actually that bad.
- Don't compromise in regards to the things that are most important to you.
- If you live in a city, don't clean your windows. They will be dirty again in a week anyway.
- Don't say yes to a relationship just because you don't want to be alone. It's not fair to either of you.
- Learn how to do your own taxes.
If you have any helpful (or not so helpful) things you have learned over the years and want to share, leave a comment down below so we can all become better people.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde
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